We want you to be satisfied, all eligible courses you purchased on Cybertu can be refunded within 30 days as long as your request meets with our refund policy.

Certain purchases might only be eligible for credit refunds, and there might be restrictions in place. Please refer to the material below for further details about our refund policy.

Our 30-day policy

Our 30-day refund policy helps students learn without risk, but we also need to safeguard our instructors from fraud and give them a fair payment schedule. We do not process requests for refunds filed after the refund window because payments are sent to instructors after 30 days.

Additional reasons for denied refunds

We maintain the right, in our sole discretion, to restrict or reject refund requests in cases where we believe refund abuse, which may involve any of the following:

  • Before the refund request was made, a student downloaded or completed a sizable chunk of the course.
  • A student has asked for several refunds for the same course.
  • A student has claimed excessive returns.
  • Users who violate our Terms may have their accounts reported, be banned, or have their access to courses blocked.
  • Unless otherwise mandated by applicable law, we do not offer refunds for any subscription services (please see below for further information).
  • The extent allowed by applicable legislation will be the enforcement of these refund restrictions.

Subscription plan refunds

There is no 30-day satisfaction guarantee offered by Cybertu’s subscription plans, and unless required by applicable law (see below), no refunds or partial refunds are available. You are not charged if you choose to terminate the free trial if it has enrolled you in a subscription.

You may be entitled to a refund depending on your location. We use the country associated with your account to establish where you are. Find out more about what is required by law for subscription refund exceptions.

Refunds for bundles purchased through a third-party

We are unable to initiate a refund for you as we do not have the transaction on file, as the third-party seller handled the payment for the bundle. To obtain a refund, please contact with the third-party vendor directly.

Refunds for courses enrolled in through a third-party sale or promotion

Please get in touch with the third party directly to request a refund if you enrolled in a course as a result of a sale or promotion by them on their platform/website (for instance, a corporation selling or giving away Cybertu courses). It is not within Cybertu’s purview to review or handle these refund requests.

If you have any questions about this policy please contact us at support@cybertu.com or call us on +91-91501-93939